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Here, you can find some Sly's thoughts about "Rocky" and picture gallery .


Click here to see Rocky pics

In 1976 "Rocky" turned  a newcomer Sylvester Stallone into one of the most exciting actors in Hollywood .

When he wrote  the script of Rocky United Artists wanted the prize-fight picture for James Caan or Burt Reynolds. Stallone said no. He would play Rocky or it wouldn't be played at all.

"It wasn't a matter of courage. I wasn't tempted to sell the story. My agent, my parents and friends said sell. But something told me not to let it go.

 "I believe it was destiny. I always wanted to play a fighter and this was a big opportunity. Maybe the only opportunity.

    Inspired by a fight between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner, Rocky was finally produced on a tiny budget and went on to win the Best Picture Oscar. All of a sudden Stallone became an Oscar nominated writer and actor and the proud owner of his Best Picture Oscar.


"Rocky "  touched the heart and soul of the American character, precisely because it celebrated the theme of the triumph of the human spirit, and of individual initiative – against all odds. In other words, it told us the story of the American Dream.


"I wanted people to understand what it's like to be hit," said Stallone
"You know, you hear people call some fighters bums. Well, any man with the nerve to walk into a ring, to put his life on the line, that takes a lot of guts. There's no such thing as a boxer who's a bum. I have great respect for them."
   "I wrote a boxing script because I believe life is a fight on every level and boxing is a great metaphor for being overpowered, taking the pain and coming back. There are two great symbols in sports: fighting and racing. I believe everything in life is a race or a fight, about overcoming challenges. The day you stop fighting, someone is going to take what you have, that’s not being vicious it’s just the way things are".


Rocky will always be my sentimental favorite..You see Rocky was never really an action film, three minutes of the movie are fighting scenes, and the rest is all dialogue for two hours. Deep inside Rocky is a very gentle soul and he wants to be in love and that’s all he cares about.’

Stallone was determined to keep writing sequel after sequel to the story, and that as his life went, so did the child of his creation. As Ms. Shire explains, "if Sly feels he's been exploited by fame, the same thing will happen to Rocky." And if Stallone's life lakes a wrong turn, then Rocky will also follow a rocky course. "Crazy it sounds," she says, "but interesting."